Monday, March 29, 2010

#1 Curly Girl Product!

Hello I have been using this product for a few months now and am beyond impressed.
I swear, this is a product I will never live without, ever, ever, ever, again! I had been doing research on this product and have heard fantastic reviews, but I could have never imagined how awesome it really it.
First, this stuff smells sooo yummy! I instantly feel swept away to an exotic island. I also like that it lingers...I can still smell it throughout the day! It is a "thicker" oil but not yet a gel consistency. It isn't runny which means you can thoroughly put it on your ends and specific spots if you like. I have used this product while my hair was straight, but only recommend doing the ends. While curly, I put it all over!
Here are a few pics to show you how my hair turns out using nothing but Argan Oil! Yes ladies, I washed my hair at night and put this oil in and put a regular head scarf on. I was thinking I was going to give my hair a 'break' from my normal products and gels and just put the oil and wear it free for the weekend. my surprise, when I woke up my curls were gorgeous! They were full of body (not weighed down at all), soft, big, defined, and no frizz! I could not believe my hair looked like this with no sort of gel, mousse, spray, etc. The last one was taken with flash while the rest were taken with no flash.

I will definitely stick with this product! I got mine at Sally's Beauty Supply for $7.99 with the Sally card. It normally retails for $8.99. The bottle is small, but again it is a thick product so a little goes a long way! I am already researching bigger bottles and other brands and will keep you posted! Try it out :-)

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