Monday, June 27, 2011

Next Steps: Ear Stretch 10 gauge to 8 gauge

Hello lovies! My goodies came into the mail today from Minkymonky! Woo hoo! So I stretched to 8 gauge today and this may be my last one. I maaaaayyy go to 6 gauge but I am not sure. I like how this one looks and 6 gauge may be a bit too big for the placement of this second hole.

This stretch wasn't too difficult and I can say is definitely a noticeable gauge. The other ones were kinda small and didn't look all that obvious. My boo has zero gauge in his ears and they are adorable! A coworker of mine also has zeroes in his ears and he said that he felt 8 gauge was the first stretch he did where he noticed a difference. Granted, he went from 12 to 8! Bad boy!

I followed the same process as I outlined in my original post. I will say that this one was harder to get my tunnel in. The taper went in just fine, with the usual slight burning. I kept it in place for a minute or so and then tried to follow immediately after with the tunnel. That was a no go. I got the first third of the eyelet in and then it wouldn't budge. I had to slowly push it through (it was oiled up with jojoba oil too). I could feel it going in slowly. It did not hurt at all but I had to be sure I didn't put too much pressure because I did not want a blowout. Google it, eeeww!

This may be the last ear stretch post, guys! Oh well. I have a few hair products I've tried out so look forward to that..
8 gauge 316L surgical steel taper $3.74
8 gauge Clear CZ Prong Ear gauge/Plug $4.65 (left)
8 gauge 316L Steel Single Flare Ear Gauge/Flesh Tunnel $1.92 (right)
Isn't it cuuuute?!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Dear Pluto..

Sorry guys..this one is not about beauty or a product. It's about a I do a bit of poetry but have never really shared it with anybody. Normally I feel the urge to write at very random moments and find myself scribbling my thoughts on some scrap paper or half used napkin. I felt the need to type this one out after my "ah ha" moment at work today. Pluto knows who he is..

So who wouldn’t fall for you?
When you’re a woman with a lonely soul and emptiness that only a
Warm embrace and handsome face…can cure.
Yes, I’m broken
Down and out, shaken and stirred
… hopeless
See, this isn’t the first time I’ve been
Lied to, taken advantage of, and had tons of game
Spit, spat, drip, drop
So wet as my thoughts go to feeling your
….All of you
Not just the dick, but..
Your mind, body, and soul…thoughts, fears, and goals..
Living the dream in my head
But the planets aren’t aligned
See, I’m on Jupiter and you’re on Pluto
And see apparently Pluto doesn’t exist anymore
What once was a planet with a sense of worth is
Not even on the radar…kinda like you
I was on your team, your side, your tribe
But you booted Me…kinda like Pluto
But what you failed to realize is that big things come in small packages
See now you are alone with your
So called ‘friends’ and complicated ‘family’
Do they know you?
Does anybody know you?
Knock Knock..Who’s there?
An emptiness…a shell..a cocoon with no butterfly
So in a way, we aren’t so different
Me: Feeling alone because nobody ‘wants’ me but
You: All alone because you choose to be
“It’s too fast, too much, I can’t deal..”
See in my eyes, living on this earth is all about dealing with “this shit”
Being challenged, and pushed, and pulled in so many directions
Because I feel our LORD JESUS CHRIST suffered for us so,
Now it’s…our turn
My sins have been wiped clean and so
Now it’ turn
To live and love, to be kind, to be humble, to grow, to push through
So, with that said Pluto
I still believe in you..
You may be off the radar, but you do exist
I can’t deny your reality, but I can keep you
Far, far, far away..