Saturday, September 26, 2009

P90X Series: Kenpo X

Another day...another video...

Today I did KENPO X followed by AB RIPPER X. I can say that this is the most fun workout out of all of the ones I have tried so far. KENPO X is a martial arts type workout. It's not like Tae Bo because it focuses on more form, but it is meant to be a cardio workout. In fact, the models in the video are all wearing heart rate monitors (I have decided that I am going to ask for one for Christmas!). Like all the videos in the P90X series, there is a little time bar at the bottom of the screen that tells you how much time you have left and completed. This video had a rep counter as well. I didn't notice it until toward the end of the video, so I don't think it was there the whole time..but it was there. I think Tony Horton is too funny. I swear he was in my house with me as I was doing this video. Toward the end I was getting a bit sloppy and as soon as I thought it he says, "Come On! I know you are getting slopping right now with your form because you are getting tired, but step it up!". Another time we were doing back kicks and I noticed I started kicking outwards versus back and he says, "Don't turn it into a side kick..think mule kick!". It was hilarious..

I enjoy martial arts and even took Tai kwando as an elective in college. My instructor would always comment on how well my form was. I chalk it up to having short limbs (4'11) and my passion for dance. Plus I have done my fair share of Tae Bo and similar videos so I knew I wouldn't have a problem with doing any of the moves. This is the first video I was able to keep up to pace with the entire time. I didn't feel like I was over exerting myself and I was sweating lots!

The only hard part of doing this video was doing it sore as hell from yesterdays LEGS AND BACK. Man, my butt, legs, and even arms are really sore and I did not realize until I started this video. It hurts but once I was loosened up, it wasn't a big deal and I was fine.

It is really neat feeling all this soreness because I am sore in muscles I have never actually felt before. Ab Ripper X was still hard, but I did a lot better. I have a feeling that next week I am going to do better because I will be more familiar with the videos. For the next 2 weeks I will be following the same exact schedule as far as what videos I will be doing. I will not be writing daily since you guys already know of my thoughts on the videos...but I will update you on my progress and anything else that comes across my mind.


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