Friday, July 2, 2010

NOTD: Nails 4 Barbie..

To continue with my recent obsession with pink and Barbie I did a Barbie inspired Nail of the Day. Normally I don't show my nails, but I have had a few people compliment me on them recently so I probably will start doing more nail posts. Enjoy!


Nail Magic (my secret to long, healthy to come!)

Seche Vite nail polish base (kind of sucks..brush sucks..don't recommend)

Sinful Colors polish in You Just Wait (BOGO Walgreens $1.99) for entire nail

Pure Ice in Striptease (Walmart $2.00) on tips

Stripe Rite in White (mini design on ring finger)

Seche Vite Fast Dry Topcoat (hands down..the BEST topcoat out there!)


  1. I think it's interesting that the same brand has the best and worst product on here.

  2. Yup! I heard about the topcoat before I bought the base coat. I got the base coat and it just succckkksss. That's why I don't go by brand names..I just go by what is good lol!
