This stretch wasn't too difficult and I can say is definitely a noticeable gauge. The other ones were kinda small and didn't look all that obvious. My boo has zero gauge in his ears and they are adorable! A coworker of mine also has zeroes in his ears and he said that he felt 8 gauge was the first stretch he did where he noticed a difference. Granted, he went from 12 to 8! Bad boy!
I followed the same process as I outlined in my original post. I will say that this one was harder to get my tunnel in. The taper went in just fine, with the usual slight burning. I kept it in place for a minute or so and then tried to follow immediately after with the tunnel. That was a no go. I got the first third of the eyelet in and then it wouldn't budge. I had to slowly push it through (it was oiled up with jojoba oil too). I could feel it going in slowly. It did not hurt at all but I had to be sure I didn't put too much pressure because I did not want a blowout. Google it, eeeww!
This may be the last ear stretch post, guys! Oh well. I have a few hair products I've tried out so look forward to that..

8 gauge 316L surgical steel taper $3.74
8 gauge Clear CZ Prong Ear gauge/Plug $4.65 (left)
8 gauge 316L Steel Single Flare Ear Gauge/Flesh Tunnel $1.92 (right)

Isn't it cuuuute?!